Blog 1: Pilot

Why make a blog?

I’ve always felt like a blog is a very unique way to express yourself, and with the projects I do and my enjoyment of other blogs like, I thought it would be a fun thing to do!

What is the purpose of this website?

I’ve always been into webdev and programming, with nothing to really show for it except my almost empty github account. Making a website to show off my projects seemed like a great idea, this website is mostly just to be a mini-portfolio of things I’ve done.

What kind of content should I expect?

For this blog, expect a lot of coding content and movie reviews. The coding content is going to be mostly simple, and probably limited to explanations of things I discovered or how certain projects work, like the GradeVuer dev log. However, I do understand that most people who will end up stumbling upon this blog probably won’t understand much programming, so I also write movie reviews. I love watching movies, and reviewing a movie is actually quite fun. Just this I finished watching Sprited Away, and decided to write a movie review on that.

Thank you for reading :)